Free beer instead of gully is the campaign that Roland and Oswald Kundmüller, owner of the Kundmüller brewery in Weiher, initiated in May. Instead of pouring away 100 hectolitres of beer which could not be sold to the catering sector due to Corona virus, they offered to tap a Seidla (glass of beer) on your own for free when you bought beer on-site. Likewise the managing directors called for a donation that will support the construction of the Sternenzelt children’s hospice in Bamberg. The campaign was pretty successful. Within a very short time, 1.500 € were raised for a good cause.

In the social foundation in Bamberg, managing director Roland Kundmüller and his wife Heike handed over the beer barrel with the donations to Helga Sander, managing director of the Franken Hospiz gGmbH which operates the Sternenzelt children’s and youth hospice. The organisers of the Weiherer Taubenmärkte (pigeon market), Andreas Nüßlein and Thomas Makorn representing of the community of interests of the chapel between Viereth and Weiher were also present. At the beginning of the year, the Taubenmärkte was held in the Kundmüller brewery and its proceeds also went to the children’s hospice. Appropriately, the design of the hospice is reminiscent of a pigeon. 1.250 € could have been collected there.
„We are very happy about these donations raised by creativity. This support means a lot to us, „ says Helga Sander. And Roland Kundmüller adds: „A huge thank you to all donors. That way, enjoying beer is even twice the fun.“
Caption: Together the handed over the donations to Helga Sander (m), managing director of Franken Hospiz gGmbH; Weiherer Bier managing director Roland Kundmüller (2nd from left) with his wife Heike as well as Andreas Nüßlein (4th from left) and Thomas Makorn, organizers of the Taubenmärkte.