Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
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Welcome to the
Weiherer Bier Self-Guided Tour!

We have created this tour so that you can comfortably visit and explore our beautiful and spacious brewery estate on your own.

At each of the various stations, we have summarized the most important information for you and you will get exciting insights into our brewery and inn.

So get going, go on a tour of discovery and immerse yourself in the world of Weiherer Bier!

Self-Guided Tour Stations

1 Beverage market
Unbelievable but true: our beer was brewed right here in our beverage market from 1874 to 1990, and only one type, the predecessor of Weiherer Lager.Today, Weiherer beer has become an integral part of the Franconian beer landscape – with traditional classics, organic and solar beers, and unusual special brews. The team around brewmaster Roland Kundmüller still works with selected regional …
2 Old brewery
In our old brewery, brewing was carried out from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, the output was about 600 hectoliters. At that time, only the classic was brewed here, our Weiherer Lager. And this was also only served on tap in the brewery‘s own pub. The brewhouse used at that time was already made of stainless steel, we received it second-hand from Nabburg …
3 Brennerei
In addition to the brewery, there is also a distillery on our property. Our senior boss Erwin Kundmüller distills his schnapps here with passion – from Williams-Christ pear to sloe liqueur, you will find everything.Meanwhile we have more than ten different distillates and liqueurs on offer, all under the umbrella name „Erwins Stöffla“. The different varieties are made …
4 In-house butcher
The Kundmüller family can also be relied upon for meat and sausage products!Tobias, Roland and Oswald‘s nephew, is a master butcher and takes care of the home-made products offered in the inn. The love and dedication to our dishes can therefore be tasted in every bite.The range is huge and includes bratwurst, canned meat and liver …
5 Beer dispansary
Our old storage cellar is a vaulted cellar. In the past, it was the brewery‘s only storage cellar and also functioned as a fermentation cellar.Now it is used as barrel storage for our restaurant. From our more than 30 varieties we have so always 18 different beer specialties „fresh on the tap“.
6 Bottle washing machine
This historical bottle washing machine is a so-called round spraying machine and dates from between the mid and late 1950s. Before this good piece came to us, it was at home in the Jäck brewery in Viereth. At that time, around 1000 bottles could be cleaned per hour.
7 Restaurant
Cozy, rustic, genuine. This is the best way to describe our Weiherer Restaurant.Our renovated guest room with its historic ceiling beams provides a cozy atmosphere where you can enjoy our homemade typical Franconian cuisine and various beers: Homemade sausages, our Leberkäs every Friday, the Schäuferlain beer sauce every Saturday, the homemade Gerupfte and much more belong to …
8 Beer mug collection 1
In the corridor from the restaurant towards the toilet you can find a part of our beer mug collection. Over 350 historical beer mugs can be seen here and some other old brewery paraphernalia.A part of our awards can also be found there. In 2005 we were awarded the first Beer Cellar of the Year award.It continued with the silver …
9 Biergarten
Beer garden time is the best time!Regardless of whether in the downstairs area with our shady giant chestnut trees or in the sunny area upstairs with the adjacent playground – everyone feels at home in our beer garden. It is the atmosphere, surrounded by nature and idyll, that will make your visit special. Our beer garden is open during the …
10 Playgrounds
Beer garden time is the best time!Regardless of whether in the downstairs area with our shady giant chestnut trees or in the sunny area upstairs with the adjacent playground – everyone feels at home in our beer garden. It is the atmosphere, surrounded by nature and idyll, that will make your visit special. Our beer garden is open during the …
11 Lauter tun
Our historical lauter tun is already a rarity. It is part of our old brewery and dates back to 1874.
12 Fermentation vat
Our historical fermentation vat has a long history and comes from our old brewery. The vat is made of wood and was used in the past to ferment the beer. Today it reminds of old brewery times.
13 Apartments
Vacation apartment Hopfen:One bedroom with double bed and a sofa bed (max. 2 persons) in the living room / Pets not allowed
14 Guesthouse
In addition to the two newly built vacation apartments “Hopfen und Malz” and “Braumeister”, there are two further apartments in our guest house. These are located above the pub and can accommodate up to 10 people.
15 Beer museum
And now we come to another highlight – our beer museum! We opened this in 2018. The premises were already available and when the opportunity arose for us to take over the mug collections of regular guests Hansi Cölsch and Herbert Pfaff, the decision was made: we are opening a beer museum. In total, there are over 1600 mugs from all over …
16 Brewery premises
As you can easily see, our historic bottle filler has a few years under its belt.The good piece dates back to 1959 and stood in the Jäck brewery in Viereth until the beginning of the 1980s. In the 1950s, twelve bottles could be filled at the same time with the help of the bottle filler, which was a technical …
17 Mail & grain silos
We have four malt silos, each filled with 26 tons of barley malt. The barley malt is our base malt for all Weiher beers.Malt is the soul of beer and, after water, the main ingredient in barley juice. How much and which malt is used depends on the recipe and the variety. However, it can be roughly said that about 20 …
18 Grist mill
Up to 1200 kg of malt can be milled here per hour. Incidentally, this process is fully automatic. Only our special malts are processed by hand.The exact procedure during milling is as follows: The malt enters the exterior fettler from the outside. It is then moved down into the mill. In the next step, the malt is transported via the …
19 brewhouse
We can proudly say that the new Weiherer brewhouse is considered one of the most modern facilities in Germany. We can save up to 40 percent energy with the developed system. Apart from the new refrigeration machine, this is due on the one hand to the sophisticated mashing process and on the other hand to the recovery of hot water through …
20 Tuns/brew kettle
Malt and water are mixed in the optical masher to form a homogeneous mash and transferred to the 60-hectoliter mash tun. Various steps take place there at 60, 62, and 68 degrees Celsius before the partial mash enters the lauter tun. At 72 degrees Celsius, the main saccharification takes place. The wort is then boiled in the brew kettle and the hops are added. …
21 Fermentation cellar
The next stop on our tour is the open fermentation. After the wort has passed through the cooler, it enters the fermentation process. The fermentation process takes approx. one week. Here, yeast is used to convert the individual sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This takes place in our yeast tanks on the one hand and in open fermentation on …
22 Lab
Now it‘s time for chemistry.In our laboratory, we measure carbon dioxide, original wort, alcohol content, PH value and the yeast cells of our beers. Microbiological activities also occur. Typical microbiological tests are also the order of the day. The quality standard for each and every one of Weiherer‘s beers is high. Therefore, regular controls are obligatory and …
23 Storage Cellar
After fermentation, it‘s time for the beer to go into the storage tank. Here we give our Weiherer beers time to mature and develop their full flavor. This happens more quickly with top-fermented beers, but bottom-fermented beers such as Lager or Keller need a few weeks more. We have a total capacity of over 10,000 hl in our storage tanks (…
24 Filling center
We continue in our filling center, which was officially inaugurated in 2013.Here some information about the filling process:1. UnpackerThe empty crates arrive at the unpacker from outside via the conveyor belt. There, the bottles are separated from the crates. At full capacity, our unpacker separates up to 14,000 bottles per hour from the crates.2. Washing machineThe empty crates are now transported …
25 Palletizing robot
At this station, the returning empty beer crates from the beverage markets and pubs are unloadedThe empty crates are then stacked on pallets and transported to the palletizing robot. This picks up an entire layer (equivalent to eight empty crates) fully automatically with its gripper and places it on the conveyor belt. On the other hand, the full crates come …
26 Logistics center
Our logistics hall has been in existence since 2006 and acts as a beer transshipment point, thus closing the cycle.The empty crates are delivered and the trucks are loaded again with full crates. We deliver our beer to more than 350 beverage markets and restaurants all over Franconia, within a radius of 60 - 70 km. We are an environmentally conscious and local …
27 Rock cellar
Our historical rock has real cellar culture. Until the 60s, senior boss Erwin and his uncle Schorsch carried the beer in churns into the cellar and stored it there for 4 - 6 weeks.
28 Agriculture/farm store
At the beginning, from 1874, agriculture and brewery still belonged together.With the inheritance, however, both businesses were separated, with agriculture being handed over to the son brother Michael Kundmüller. Today he runs the farm together with his family in a modern and sustainable way. The products from homemade sausage and meat products to eggs, fruit, vegetables and much more …
The Brewery

An Awarded

Since 2020, we have been brewing in our new, energy-efficient and innovative 60 hl 5-vessel brewhouse (1 hl = 100 liters) from Kaspar Schulz, Bamberg. Alongside master brewer Roland Kundmüller, our brewers take careful care of Weiher beer every day. And that is also necessary: Because brewing is a complex process.

More about the brewery