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150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
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The B(r)au Blog part 2

Created on May 1, 2022

While we continued to work diligently on the bare brickwork, things got unexpectedly exciting when the fermentation tanks were moved and two new horizontal tanks were set up.

Especially for the new horizontal 600 HL storage tanks things went up in the air. A crane loaded the new tanks onto low-loading trucks and at the same time a second crane was set up at the new brewery. This second crane had to be equipped with additional weights so that the horizontal tanks could be lifted far enough back onto the mountain. However, the truck that brought the additional weights for the crane was so heavy that it couldn't make it to the construction site. In the end he had to be pulled up with the Bulldog tractor.

Once the crane had been set up, the horizontal tanks were transported up by the low-loaders and positioned correctly. At the same time, the two vertikal tanks below were dismantled and then loaded back onto the low-loading truck. At the end of this exciting day, everyone had earned their Seidla :-).

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