Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

22 Lab

Now it‘s time for chemistry.

In our laboratory, we measure carbon dioxide, original wort, alcohol content, PH value and the yeast cells of our beers. Microbiological activities also occur. Typical microbiological tests are also the order of the day. The quality standard for each and every one of Weiherer‘s beers is high. Therefore, regular controls are obligatory and represent an important part within the production for us.

The Brewery

An Awarded

Since 2020, we have been brewing in our new, energy-efficient and innovative 60 hl 5-vessel brewhouse (1 hl = 100 liters) from Kaspar Schulz, Bamberg. Alongside master brewer Roland Kundmüller, our brewers take careful care of Weiher beer every day. And that is also necessary: Because brewing is a complex process.

More about the brewery